The Bank of East Asia



1. Introduction to Cyberbanking
Q1.1 What is Cyberbanking?
  Cyberbanking is an innovative and integrated banking service. With this service, you can operate your accounts via various electronic channels including the Internet and mobile phone.
  You can manage your finances and make account enquiries and fund transfer anytime, anywhere.
Q1.2 Who can apply for Cyberbanking?
  All personal and corporate customers of BEA Singapore can sign up for Cyberbanking.
Q1.3 What does Cyberbanking allow me to do?
  Through Cyberbanking, you can:
     - check account balances and transaction history
     - view a summary of your fixed deposits
     - transfer funds to other BEA Singapore accounts
     - transfer funds to other banks in Singapore via GIRO
     - transfer funds to other banks through Telegraphic Transfer
     - place fixed deposits
     - request cheque books
     - request audit confirmations
Q1.4 What accounts can I access through Cyberbanking?
  Personal customers
  You can access and manage your bank accounts including your personal and joint-alternate accounts.
  For joint account with both-to-sign mandate, you can only view the account balances and past account activities.
  Corporate customers
  You can access and manage your corporate bank accounts.
Q1.5 Is Cyberbanking available 24 hours a day?
  Yes, Cyberbanking services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can make requests at any time, except during our maintenance period.
Q1.6 Will I be able to access Cyberbanking overseas?
  Yes, you can access your Cyberbanking anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet with a compatible browser. Please also ensure that your mobile service provider supports the delivery of SMS messages in the respective overseas country so that you are able to receive the One-Time Password and post transaction notifications.
Q1.7 Is there a charge to apply for access to Cyberbanking?
  No, it is free of charge for signing up for Cyberbanking.
Q1.8 What are the minimum system requirements for using Cyberbanking?
     Computer or device with 500MHz or faster processor
     128 MB of RAM
     56kbps modem or faster internet connection
     Screen resolution of 1024x768 (recommended)
  Operating System
     - Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
     - macOS
     - Google Chrome (version 528 or above)
     - Mozilla Firefox (version 491 or above)
     - Safari (version 471 or above)
     - Microsoft Edge (version 492 or above)
     - JavaScript, TLS 1.2, and Cookies must be enabled

2. Service Hotline
Q2.1 Is there a hotline for Cyberbanking customers?
  Yes, the Cyberbanking hotline is (65) 6602 7878 during business hours 9am to 6pm.
  If you have any queries or require assistance with regard to Cyberbanking, you can also visit our branch during business hours.

3. Troubleshoot
Q3.1 Who can I call if I am unable to access to Cyberbanking?
  You may call our Cyberbanking hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm.
Q3.2 How can I check that my transaction has been confirmed and processed?
  You can check the transaction details and balances in "Account Summary" or "Account Activity" functions under "Accounts" of the "Accounts and Payments" menu.
  Alternatively, you may call our Cyberbanking hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm for assistance.
Q3.3 I received an error message stating that "JavaScript" is not enabled. What does this mean?
  To use Cyberbanking, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. Please follow the following steps to enable “JavaScript”:
  Google Chrome
     1. Open Google Chrome on your computer
     2. Click More and then Settings
     3. Click Security and Privacy
     4. Click Site settings
     5. Click JavaScript
     6. Select Sites can use JavaScript
  Microsoft Edge
     1. Go to control panel and click on internet option
     2. Select "Security" tab, and select the "Custom Level" button
     3. Scroll down to "Active scripting"
     4. Make sure the "Enable" radio button is checked
     5. Click "OK" to save your preference
  Mozilla Firefox
     1. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser or restart it, if it is already running
     2. From the Mozilla Firefox menu, select Tools then click the Add-ons option
     3. In the Add-ons Manager window, select Plugins
     4. Click Java (TM) Platform plugin (Windows) or Java Applet Plug-in (Mac OS X) to select it
     5. Check that the option selected is Ask to Activate or Always Activate or on older Mozilla Firefox versions, click on the Enable button (if the button says Disable Java is already enabled)
     1. Click on Safari and select Preferences
     2. Choose the Security option
     3. Select Allow Plug-ins then click on Manage Website Settings
     4. Click on the Java item, select an option (Ask, Allow or Allow Always) from the pulldown list When visiting other websites
     5. Click Done then close the Safari Preferences window
Q3.4 If the Java Virtual Machine ("JVM") is not enabled in my browser, how do I enable it?
  If you have not installed JVM or cannot find the Java Control Panel on your computer, please download and install the Oracle (Sun) Java Virtual Machine at
  (Supported version: Oracle (Sun) Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Version 8 Update 60)
Q3.5 How do I enable the TLS feature in the browser?
  Microsoft Edge
     1. Go to control panel and click on internet option
     2. Click on the advance tab
     3. Scroll down to Security category, manually check the option boxes for Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1 and Use TLS 1.2
     4. Click OK
     5. Restart Microsoft Edge
  Google Chrome
     1. Open Google Chrome
     2. Click Alt F and select Settings
     3. Scroll down and select Show advanced settings
     4. Scroll down to the Network section and click on Change proxy settings
     5. Select the Advanced tab
     6. Scroll down to Security category, manually check the option boxes for Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1 and Use TLS 1.2
     7. Internet TLS Properties
     8. Click OK
     9. Close your browser and restart Google Chrome
  Mozilla Firefox
     1. Open Mozilla Firefox
     2. In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter
     3. In the Search field, enter tls. Find and double-click the entry for security.tls.version.min
     4. Set the integer value to 3 to force protocol of TLS 1.3
     5. Click OK
     6. Close your browser and restart Mozilla Firefox.
  There are no options for enabling SSL protocols. If you are using Safari version 7 or greater, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are automatically enabled.

4. Using Cyberbanking for the First Time
Q4.1 How do I register for Cyberbanking?
  You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Application Form and submit it at our branch in person.
  For corporate customers, you may also mail the completed forms and required documents to us.
Q4.2 How do I log in to Cyberbanking?
  To log in, please visit our website at
  Please do not click on any hyperlinks in emails or any unverifiable source to access Cyberbanking.
Q4.3 What do I need to log on for the first time?
  You will need your Cyberbanking account number and PIN which will be provided to you upon sign up.
  Upon first login, you will be prompted to accept our Terms and Conditions for SG Cyberbanking Service (Personal Banking) / Terms and Conditions for SG Cyberbanking Service (Corporate Banking). For security reason, you will also be prompted to change your PIN.
  Please note that Cyberbanking access will be suspended if you fail to change your first-time login PIN within 30 days from the activation of your Cyberbanking account.
  If this occurs, you will need to re-activate your Cyberbanking account (please refer to Q4.4).
Q4.4 How do I re-activate my access to Cyberbanking if it has been suspended?
  You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Amendment Form and submit it at our branch in person.
  For corporate customers, you may mail the completed from to us.
Q4.5 What will happen if I enter my login details incorrectly?
  Your account will be suspended after multiple incorrect login attempts. You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Amendment Form and submit it at our branch in person.
  For corporate customer, you may mail the completed froms to us.
Q4.6 What if I have lost or forgotten my Cyberbanking number or PIN?
  You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Amendment Form and submit it at our branch in person.
  For corporate customers, you may mail the completed forms to us.
Q4.7 How do I log out?
  You may click the "Log out" icon on the upper right hand corner. Please be reminded to clear the browser cache and close all browser sessions after logged out.

5. Account Enquiry and Activity
Q5.1 What information can I obtain through the Accounts function?
  You may login to your Cyberbanking Account and refer to our respective Singapore Cyberbanking User Guides.
Q5.2 How far back can I enquire about my transaction activity using the Account Activity function?
  You can enquire your transaction activity for the past 12 months. Please note the maximum display period is 1 month.

6. Fixed Deposits
Q6.1 What information can I obtain through the "Fixed Deposits" function?
  You may login to your Cyberbanking Account and refer to our respective Singapore Cyberbanking User Guides.

7. Fund Transfer
Q7.1 What do the Fund Transfer functions allow me to do?
  You may perform fund transfer to your own and BEA Singapore account or other banks via GIRO, MEPS or telegraphic transfer.
Q7.2 What are the cut-off times for fund transfer?
  The cut-off time for fund transfer are as follows:
Fund TransferCut off Time
Transfer to other BEA Singapore accounts 6:00pm on business day
Transfer to other banks in Singapore via GIRO 6:00pm on business day
Transfer to other banks in Singapore via MEPS 2:00pm on business day
Transfer to other banks via Telegraphic Transfer 2:00pm on business day
Apply for Cashier’s Order 2:00pm on business day
  Instructions received after the cut-off time or on a non-business day (Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in Singapore) will be processed on the next business day. These transactions can be viewed in the "Pending Transfer" function.
Q7.3 What should I do if I want to submit a fund transfer instruction to BEA Singapore?
  You may login to your Cyberbanking Account and refer to our respective Singapore Cyberbanking User Guides.
Q7.4 What are the online transfer limits?
  There is no limit for transfer between your own BEA Singapore accounts. For other fund transfer, a default limit will be set by the Bank and this can be changed upon your request or via Cyberbanking.
Q7.5 What is the minimum transaction amount for fund transfer?
  The minimum amount per transaction is $1.00 in the transfer amount currency.
Q7.6 How will I know if my fund transfer instruction has been successfully received by BEA Singapore?
  When you receive the onscreen message "Transaction Completed" or "Transaction Submitted " with a transaction reference, your instruction has been successfully received by the Bank.
  A post transaction notification will be sent to your registered email address and mobile device number informing you that your instruction has been successfully received by the Bank.
  For corporate customers, transaction status can be viewed in the "Execution Status" tab.
Q7.7 Can I amend or cancel a fund transfer instruction?
  Fund transfer instruction cannot be amended or cancelled upon submission.
Q7.8 How can I find out if my fund transfer was successfully executed?
  You can check your account activity via Cyberbanking.
  A post transaction notification will be sent to your registered email address and mobile device number informing you that your instruction has been successfully executed or rejected by the Bank.

8. Telegraphic Transfer
Q8.1 What is a Telegraphic Transfer (TT/MEPS)?
  TT / MEPS refers to the electronic transfer of local / foreign currency funds from one party (remitter / debtor) to another (beneficiary / creditor).
Q8.2 What is the Cut off time for submission of Telegraphic Transfer (TT/MEPS)?
  Monday to Friday (provided it is a non-public holiday and bank operating day) - 2:00pm
  TT / MEPS received before cut-off time on a business day will be processed on the same working day while TT / MEPS received after cut-off time / weekend / public holiday will be processed on the next working day.
Q8.3 What do the charge options BEN (CRED) / SHA (SHAR) / OUR (DEBT) in the TT/MEPS instruction mean?
  For local / overseas TT/MEPS, charges may be imposed by the remitting bank, the beneficiary bank, and/or intermediary or correspondent bank and can be settled in one of the following methods:
  a) BEN (CRED): Charges are borne by the Beneficiary
  Your beneficiary shall bear all charges levied by the banks engaged in the TT/MEPS. You are only required to pay the amount you wish to remit. All charges (those levied by the remitting bank / the intermediary (correspondent) bank and/or beneficiary bank etc.) will be deducted from the remittance amount and your Beneficiary / creditor will receive the remaining balance.
  b) SHA (SHAR): Charges are shared
  You shall be required to pay for the remittance amount and remitting bank's charges. Your beneficiary shall bear the charges levied by the other banks (the intermediary, correspondent bank and beneficiary bank, etc.), which will be deducted from the remittance amount and your beneficiary will receive the remaining balance.
  c) OUR (DEBT): Charges are borne by the Remitter
  You are required to bear all charges of the TT / MEPS, i.e. the remittance amount, remitting bank's charges, as well as all the other banks' charges (correspondent, intermediary and beneficiary banks etc.). The charges will be debited from the account as indicated by you after the exact amount has been determined.
  BEA shall not be liable if the beneficiary does not receive the full amount due to our correspondent or intermediary or the beneficiary's bank not following the instructions provided and deducting their charges from the remittance amount.
Q8.4 What are the mandatory fields that I need to provide in my TT instruction to the Bank?
     - Your name, address and account number
     - Payment currency code and amount
     - Beneficiary bank's name, address and SWIFT code
     - Beneficiary bank's routing code (if applicable)
     - Intermediary bank’s name and SWIFT code (if applicable)
     - Beneficiary's account number or IBAN for payments to European countries or United Kingdom or Middle East
     - Beneficiary’s full name
     - Detail of Payment

9. Other Services
Q9.1 How do I order new cheque books?
  You may login to your Cyberbanking Account and refer to our respective Singapore Cyberbanking User Guides.
Q9.2 How long will it take for me to receive my new cheque book(s)?
  New cheque book(s) will be posted to your registered mailing address via normal mail in 3 to 5 business days upon request.
  Request received after 6:00pm or on a non-business day will be processed on the next business day.
  Please note that cheque book request is subjected to approval a cheque book fee is applicable to each cheque book.

10. Webmail and Email
Q10.1 How can I access my Cyberbanking webmail?
  You can access your Cyberbanking webmail via "Inbox" function in "My Details" tab.
Q10.2 Can I send a webmail to BEA Singapore if I have any questions about Cyberbanking service?
  Yes, you can send your enquiries via your Cyberbanking Webmail. However, please do not send transaction instructions or reporting of suspicious transaction through this service.
Q10.3 Will BEA Singapore send me webmail messages?
  Yes, post transaction notifications, important information and updates will be sent to you via Cyberbanking Webmail.
Q10.4 How long will messages remain in my Cyberbanking mailbox?
  The maximum capacity for Inbox and Outbox is 30 messages each. Messages can be retained for 4 years as long as your mailbox is not full. The oldest messages will be automatically deleted if the maximum capacity is exceeded.
Q10.5 How do I change my email address on record?
  You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Amendment Form and submit it at our branch in person.
  For corporate customers, you may mail the completed forms to us.

11. Change PIN
Q11.1 Do I need to change my PIN regularly?
  For security reason, you will be prompted to change your PIN during your first login.
  We recommend that you change your PIN periodically.
Q11.2 How can I change my PIN?
  You can change your PIN via "Change PIN" function in "My Details" tab.
Q11.3 What should I do if I suspect that my PIN has been stolen or exposed?
  You should change your PIN immediately and you are advised to check your accounts. If there is any discrepancies in your accounts, please call our Cyberbanking hotline (please refer to Q2.1) or visit our branch as soon as possible.
Q11.4 What should I do if I suspect unauthorised access to my bank accounts through Cyberbanking?
  Please call our Cyberbanking hotline (please refer to Q2.1) or visit our branch as soon as possible.

12. Security Advice
Q12.1 How secure is Singapore Cyberbanking?
  When you log in to Cyberbanking for the first time, you are asked to change your PIN immediately. From that point onwards, you must enter your correct Cyberbanking number and self-selected PIN every time you want to access Cyberbanking. For your safety, you will also be prompted to change your PIN from time to time.
  One-time Password
  You are required to enter a One-time Password that will be sent by short messaging service ("SMS") to your registered mobile device as part of our enhanced authentication measures.
  Moving Number Keypad
  An alphanumeric PIN, which consists of a combination of numbers and letters, and a moving number keypad - further ensures your ongoing security.
  Automatic Session Log out
  For protection against unauthorised access, your computer's connection to Cyberbanking will be automatically terminated if the session has been idle for 5 minutes.
  Transport Layer Security ("TLS") with at least 128-bit encryption
  "TLS" is an international and well-proven standard employed to ensure confidentiality of information transmitted over the Internet. All sensitive information sent between your Internet browser and our computer system is encrypted using at least 128-bit TLS encryption.  
  Automatic disablement
  To guard against unauthorised access, your Cyberbanking access will be suspended after a number of unsuccessful login attempts. Customers will need to complete the Amendment Form for Cyberbanking - Personal Account / Amendment Form for Cyberbanking - Corporate Account. Personal customers should submit the form duly completed in person at our branch .
  Cyberbanking's no-cache feature
  All customer information (including your account / financial information) that you view during your Cyberbanking session are neither cached nor stored on your computer.
  Last login date and time
  Your last login date and time are displayed after you have successfully logged in to Cyberbanking for your verification.
  Post transaction notification
  An alert message will be sent to your registered mobile device after we have received transaction instructions, e.g. fund transfer.
Q12.2 How can I enhance my security when using Singapore Cyberbanking?
  Please refer to the Security Tips available on our website.
Q12.3 How do I verify that the website belongs to BEA Singapore?
  Every secure website possesses a digital certificate to prove its identity.
  You must not login to / enter account information on any website fraudulently masquerading as BEA Singapore website where the "Security Lock" icon cannot be found or where the certificate information is invalid.
Q12.4 What should I do if I receive security certificate warning?
  If you receive a security certificate warning (similar to the screen displayed below), which may indicate that a security certificate does not belong to the Bank, you should discontinue to login to login/use Cyberbanking and inform us immediately.
Q12.5 Do I need to disable the "auto-complete" feature?
  The "auto-complete" feature of some browsers saves information that you previously entered into fields (web addresses, forms, passwords, etc.). When you type similar information into one of these fields, a dropdown list with possible matches will automatically appear for selection.
  To protect yourself and prevent unauthorised use of your account, you are advised to disable this feature on your browser.
Q12.6 Do I need to clear the browsing history?
  To safeguard your personal information, you are advised to clear the browsing history (e.g. to delete all saved information you have typed into forms) and close all browser sessions after having logged out of Cyberbanking.

13. Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Q13.1 What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?
  Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an authentication scheme that increases online security by relying on a combination of two different factors, e.g. something you know (e.g. user ID and password) and something you have (e.g. token or mobile device SIM card), in the verification of a user's identity.
Q13.2 Why is two-factor authentication needed for Internet banking transactions?
  Although fraudsters may be able to illegally obtain your user ID or password, they cannot steal something you have in your physical possession, such as a token or mobile device, over the Internet.
Q13.3 What is the Bank's approach on two-factor authentication?
  We will provide a One-time Password ("OTP") to be used for two-factor authentication via SMS.
Q13.4 What is a One-time Password ("OTP")?
  An OTP is a password generated by us and sent to you for you to input as an additional form of identity authentication. You will need an OTP each time you login to Cyberbanking and perform designated transactions through Cyberbanking. Each OTP is used only once for a designated transaction and expires after 180 seconds.
Q13.5 How do I use the One-time Password ("OTP")?
  When you login or perform a designated transaction through Cyberbanking, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile device. You must check the transactions details displayed in the SMS message and then input the OTP on the web page to complete the process before it expires.
Q13.6 How do I use the One-time Password ("OTP")?
  OTP is used the following functions:
  - log in to Cyberbanking
  - perform own BEA Singapore account transactions
  - request cheque books
Q13.7 What should I do if I receive a One-time password via SMS when I did not perform any transaction via internet banking?
  Please call our Cyberbanking hotline (please refer to Q2.1) or visit our branch as soon as possible.
Q13.8 Can I register an overseas mobile phone number for using the service?
  Yes, you can register an overseas mobile device number for using this service. Please ensure that your mobile service provider supports the delivery of SMS messages in the respective overseas country so that you are able to receive the One-Time Password and post transaction notifications.
  Please note that charges may be incurred for SMS messages sent to you by your mobile network provider. Please contact your mobile network provider for details of SMS charges.
Q13.9 What should I do to receive a one-time password on my new mobile number?
  You are required to complete the respective Cyberbanking Account Amendment Form.
Q13.10 Is there any charge for using One-time Password in Cyberbanking?
  This service is currently free of charge. However, charges by your mobile network provider may be incurred. Please contact your mobile network provider for details of SMS charges.

14. Mobile App
Q14.1 What mobile devices does Mobile Banking support?
  Mobile Banking can be used with the following devices:
 Supported Operating System
For iPhone iOS 12 or above
For Android phones Android 6.0 or above
  Note: Not all mobile phones and tablets are supported. Moreover, external factors such as system setting may affect the display quality and use of Mobile Banking Service.
  iPhone and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
Q14.2 Is the Mobile Banking secure?
  Transactions made via the SG Mobile Banking are safe and secure due to the use of the TLS technology. Moreover, no personal information is downloaded to or stored in your mobile device.
Q14.3 What is the Mobile Banking?
  The Mobile Banking Service provides you another channel through which you can access our Cyberbanking Service using a mobile device (such as smartphones and tablets), as long as the mobile device has a telecommunication connection for accessing the Internet (e.g. 3G, 4G, HSDPA or Wi-Fi).
  The Service is designed for viewing information and operation on a mobile device. However, not all functions you can access via Cyberbanking from your PC are accessible via Mobile Banking.
Q14.4 What services are available via Mobile Banking?
  Through Mobile Banking, you can:
     - View account balances and transaction history.
     - View summary of your fixed deposit
     - Transfer fund to other BEA Singapore accounts
     - Transfer fund to other bank in Singapore via GIRO
     - Perform fixed deposit transaction.
Q14.5 Is there any service fee for Mobile Banking Service?
  This services is currently free of charge. However, charges may be incurred by your mobile network provider. Please contact your mobile network provider for details of SMS charges.
Q14.6 How do I register for Mobile Banking?
  You can register for Mobile Banking if you have already registered for  Singapore Cyberbanking. Simply download the BEA Singapore App from the App Store or Google Play.
Q14.7 Can I access Mobile Banking outside of Singapore?
  You can access Mobile Banking in any country provided that you have access to roaming data service or Wi-Fi. However, your mobile network provider may charge you for roaming data and other additional fees. For charge details, please contact your mobile network provider.
Q14.8 Who can I call if I have any problems with or enquiries regarding the BEA Singapore App?
  You can call our Cyberbanking Hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm.
Q14.9 Where can I go for information about BEA Singapore Branch’s policies regarding privacy and personal data?
  You can read our Branch’s Privacy Statement made available on the Branch’s website at
Q14.10 What happens if I am locked out from Mobile Banking?
  You can call our Cyberbanking Hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm.
Q14.11 How can I change the maximum daily limit for transactions made via Mobile Banking?
  You can change your maximum daily transaction limit by logging into your Cyberbanking via web browser. You may login to your Cyberbanking Account and refer to our respective Singapore Cyberbanking User Guides for more detail.
Q14.12 If I have changed my mobile phone number, what should I do?
  To update your mobile phone number, please call our Cyberbanking Hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm.
Q14.13 How can I suspend/resume the mobile banking service?
  You can call our Cyberbanking Hotline at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm.
Q14.14 What is i-Token?
  i-Token is an authentication tool embodied with BEA App function which allow customer to authenticate designated transactions and log in to Singapore Cyberbanking and BEA Singapore App.
Q14.15 What do I need in order to activate i-Token?
  You will need the following:
     1. A registered mobile phone number with BEA that can receive one-time passwords.
     2. A registered email address for Cyberbanking.
     3. A mobile device with supported OS versions.
Q14.16 How do I know my i-Token is already activated?
  You can open up the BEA Singapore App, click i-Token and check if your i-Token has been activated under your registered account.
Q14.17 Are there any charges for using i-Token?
  No. i-Token is provided as a free service.
Q14.18 Can I activate i-Token on multiple devices for one account?
  For security reasons, your i-Token can only be activated on one mobile device for one Cyberbanking account at a time.
Q14.19 How can I deactivate i-Token?
  By logging in to the BEA Singapore App/ Singapore Cyberbanking and deactivating i-Token in the Settings.
  Yes. You can deactivate your i-Token by logging in to the BEA Singapore App and go to iToken > Settings > Select "Deactivate i-Token", then follow the instructions to complete the process of changing your i-Token PIN.
Q14.20 Can I activate i-Token on multiple devices for one account?
  Yes. You can change your i-Token PIN by logging in to the BEA Singapore App and go to i-Token > Settings > Select "Change PIN", then follow the instructions to complete the process of changing your i-Token PIN.

15. Bulk Payments
Q15.1 What are bulk payments?
  Your company can use a bulk payment to make multiple payments in one go to any bank accounts in Singapore through GIRO. There are two ways to make a bulk payment:
  a) Payment by Uploading a File
  Upload a file containing multiple payments (up to 300 in one file).
  b) Payment by Manual Entry
  Enter payment details individually (up to 20 payments at a time). Details of each payment can be saved as a template for future use.
Q15.2 Can I amend my bulk payment instructions after submission?
  For security reasons, bulk payments cannot be amended. However, you can cancel a bulk payment and submit a new one.

16. Loans
Q16.1 What loan services are available?
     - View a summary of all loan transactions.
     - Submit a request for a loan drawdown*, loan rollover**, partial loan repayment, or full loan repayment.
     - View repayment history for loans.
     - Receive notifications via email and SMS once requests are processed.
     * and ** do not apply to syndication loans or mortgage loans
Q16.2 What are the operating hours for loan transactions?
  The operating hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m., you can only make enquiries.

17. Trade Finance
Q17.1 What trade finance services are available?
     - View a summary of all trade finance transactions.
     - Apply for Letters of Credit, Invoice Financing, Trust Receipt, Receivables Purchase Financing, and Banker’s Guarantees.
     - Apply for a Letter of Credit Amendment or to extend a Banker’s Guarantee.
     - Make a Trust Receipt payment.
     - View all bills positions, including available limits.
Q17.2 What are the operating hours for trade finance transactions?
  The operating hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m., you can only make enquiries.

18. Audit Confirmation
Q18.1 Who can request for audit confirmation via Cyberbanking?
  Corporate customers with Cyberbanking access can submit their request via Cyberbanking.
Q18.2 What does “Audit Confirmation request” allow me to do?
  You may request BEA Singapore to provide an audit confirmation to your auditor via Cyberbanking instead of writing to BEA Singapore.
Q18.3 Can I amend or cancel my Audit Confirmation request?
  Audit Confirmation requests cannot be amended or cancelled upon submission. You may contact “Customer Information and Limits Unit” at (65) 6602 7946, (65) 6602 7765 and (65) 6602 7728 during business hours from 9am to 6pm for any amendment or cancellation.
Q18.4 What are the mandatory fields that I need to provide in my Audit Confirmation request to the Bank?
  - Auditor Name
  - Auditor Address
  - Audit Year
  - Select Payment mode: Debit from our account maintained with BEA Singapore or Cheque/Cash/MEPS/all others.
Q18.5 How can I find out if my Audit Confirmation request has been successfully executed?
  A post transaction notification will be sent to your registered mobile phone number informing you that your instruction has been received and will be processed by BEA Singapore.

19. Electronic Statement (e-Statement) / Electronic Advice (e-Advice)
Q19.1 What is e-Statement?
  e-Statement is the electronic version of your account statement (for deposits and loans). It can be downloaded and viewed through Cyberbanking.
Q19.2 What is e-Advice?
  e-Advice is the electronic version of your transaction advice (for remittances, loans and trade finance). It can be downloaded and viewed through Cyberbanking.
Q19.3 Do I need to pay for e-Statement or e-Advice?
  No. This service is available free-of-charge.
Q19.4 Who can view e-Statement or e-Advice through Cyberbanking?
  Cyberbanking customers can view the e-Statement or e-Advice of their accounts registered under Cyberbanking.
Q19.5 What types of e-Statements can be viewed through Cyberbanking?
  e-Statements are available for:
  - Deposit accounts
  - Loan: half-yearly and yearly statements
Q19.6 What types of e-Advices can be viewed through Cyberbanking?
  The following types of e-Advices are available:
  - Remittance: debit advices.
  - Trade: debit/credit advices, trust receipt advices, receivables purchase financing advices, acceptance bill advices and bill receivable advices.
  - Loan: drawdown/rollover/repayment advices, overdue instalment advices and final instalment payment advices.
Q19.7 How will I be notified when my e-Statement or e-Advice is ready?
  You will be notified via email, webmail and push notification when your e-Statement or e-Advice is ready for download and view through your Cyberbanking account.
Q19.8 Do I need a password to view my e-Statement or e-Advice?
  No. A password is not required.
Q19.9 How do I view my e-Statement and/or e-Advice?
  Login to your Cyberbanking Account,
  - For remittance advices, select “Accounts & Payments” and click on “E-Advice – Remittance”.
  - For trade advices, select “Trade Finance” and click on “Trade Advice”.
  - For loan statement and/or advices, select “Loans” and click on “Loan Statement” and/or “Loan Advice”.
Q19.10 What if I am unable to access or view my e-Statement or e-Advice?
  Please contact us at (65) 6602 7878 during business hours from 9am to 6pm for assistance if you are unable to access or view your e-Statement or e-Advice.

20. Foreign Currency Conversion
Q20.1 If my transaction requires foreign exchange (FX) services, what are the active hours to submit my application?
  The active hours for transactions involving foreign exchange is from 9:00am to 5:30pm on a Singapore business day.
Q20.2 What currency pairs are available under foreign exchange services?
  Via the platform, we offer currency conversion services of up to 11 currencies including Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swiss Franc (CHF), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Japanese Yen (JPY), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Thai Baht (THB) and United States Dollar (USD).
Q20.3 Does the platform support FX Forward contracts?
  We currently only offer foreign exchange on a Spot value basis.
Q20.4 Can I use multiple FX contracts for one transaction?
  A single FX contract can only be used for a single transaction.